
Showing posts from October, 2020


 WHAT IS LEARNING STYLE INVENTORIES ? Learning style refers to the preferential way in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information.  There are 3 main learning styles: 1) VISUAL 👀 If you are a visual student, you should learn by seeing notes or draw pictures from many combination of colours. You can remember better when you imagine or visualize what you have learnt in your mind. 2) AUDITORY👂  If you are an auditory student, you learn by hearing and tuning in. You comprehend and recollect things you have heard. You store data  by the manner in which it sounds, and you have a simpler time understanding spoken guidelines than composed ones.You regularly learn by reciting and hearing your notes.You have to pay full attention in class so you can hear your lecturer better. 3) KINESTATIC✋ If you are a kinestatic learner ,you learn by touching and doing. You  perceive  and  keep in mind  things through physical movement.  you're  a "hands-on" learne


Hello,first of all thank you for reading this. My name is Siti Nurhafiza ,I am one of  Diploma Microbiology student in UITM Kuala Pilah Negeri Sembilan. Basically this blog is all about one of my subject that is UED102 also known as Study Skills this subject provides students with numerous learning skills that really help student to improve their ways in studying. This subject also opens up student's mind towards basic academic skills, for instance setting the right goals and time management.